The Allies’Special Ops Rangers expansion contains figures and cards for both a sniper squad and an observer squad. These highly trained units specialize in frustrating their enemies from afar, whether by picking off individual targets with high-powered rifles, or by providing coordinates for artillery-bearing units.
Crack Shots have the devastating “Sniper” ability, and can individually pick their targets — officers beware!
13 Foxtrot, observers best kept off the front lines, can use their “Artillery Strike” ability to provide useful coordinates to friendly walkers.
This miniatures come with unit cards, to use with Dust Tactics and Dust Tactics Battlefield rules.
Like all regular Dust miniatures, these are already assembled and primed. They are ready for the battlefield, or for painting, as wish! You can paint directly on them, since the priming serve as an undercoat and is compatible with any type of paint.