Something dark has happened in the sands of Babylon… An event that will forever change the World of Dust. The Cultists of the Mythos Gods and their twisted allies have emerged from the shadows. They have come back into this ancient place, where their forefathers prayed to forbidden idols when this land was young. Lilith’s coven is now unleashed on this World at War and it won’t bring it any peace.
Lilith’s Coven includes the following units:
– Lilith, Maiden of the Cult (one Hero with one Unit Card for the Mythos Bloc)
– Possessed Lilith, Transfigured Maiden of the Cult (one Hero with one Unit Card for the Mythos Bloc )
– Cultist Fire Squad (5 miniatures with one Unit Card for the Mythos Bloc)
– Mi-Go Assault Squad (3 miniatures on flying base with one Unit Card for the Mythos Bloc)
Everything you need to start a new glorious Mythos Army is included in this box! Please note that the Dust 1947 Starter rules, a durable neoprene gaming mat, terrain, dice, etc. are included in this Starter Set.
These miniatures come with their unit cards, to use with Dust Tactics and Dust Tactics Battlefield rules.
Like all regular Dust miniatures, these are already assembled and primed. They are ready for the battlefield, or for painting, as wish! You can paint directly on them, since the priming serve as an undercoat and is compatible with any type of paint.