Order of Glory – 1946
Order of the Patriotic War – 1946
Born 1924 in Vladivostok, USSR.
The youngest rising star in the SSU, Leytenant (Lieutenant) Eva Koroutchenko is already a legend. She is famous throughout the bloc for her emerald eyes and long hair, every young man in the SSU keeps a picture of her near his heart for good luck and to protect him from harm. Eva is a hell of a pilot who has already scored more than 30 air victories in her short career. Axis pilots on the Eastern Front have already placed a large bounty on her head: they need her down as soon as possible!
Eva flies a unique helicopter modified to her specifications: the Red Star. She is very capable of taking the reins of any other flying vehicle in the bloc, but prefers her helicopter over anything else. Eva and the Red Star are currently stationed outside Baku. From there she flies many specials operations for Spetsnaz forces in the region.
These miniatures come with their unit cards, to use with Dust Tactics and Dust Tactics Battlefield rules.
Like all regular Dust miniatures, these are already assembled and primed. They are ready for the battlefield, or for painting, as wish! You can paint directly on them, since the priming serve as an undercoat and is compatible with any type of paint.