The Fungi from Yuggoth -as the Mi-Go are also known- travel through time and space to do the bidding of the Mythos Gods. Praising Nyarlathotep and Shub-Niggurath, they are the most alien of races, compared to humans. The Mi-Go use weird technology in every part of their strange lives, as well as when they wage war against their numerous enemies. The Raiders are armed with copper apparatus that resembles Earth’s weapons but who fire devastating rays of energy.
This squad comes with its own Dust 1947 unit card, for the Mythos Bloc. Like all regular Dust 1947 miniatures, it comes already assembled and primed. It’s ready for the battlefield, or for painting, as you wish! You can directly paint over on it, since the priming serves as an undercoat and is compatible with any type of paint.