Something dark has happened in the sands of Babylon… An event that will forever change the World of Dust. The creatures from the First Summoning Army Set are the first direct result of this event. They have come back into this ancient place, where they were old once this land was young. They are now unleashed on this World at War and they won’t bring it any peace.
This reference includes:
– three miniatures, one Avatar of Nyarlathotep and two Spawns of Cthulhu
– three unit cards, one for each miniature, for the Mythos Bloc
– twelve Mythos Bloc dice
– one army booklet with New Skills and Platoon
Like all regular Dust 1947 miniatures, they come already assembled and primed. They’re ready for the battlefield, or for painting, as you wish! You can directly paint over them, since the priming serves as an undercoat and is compatible with any type of paint.