Reinforcements have arrived for the United States Marine Corps! The Specialists are here to provide unique skills and abilities to fight for Freedom and gain a definitive upper hand in this Endless War. Their presence will surely have a great impact on the battlefield, silencing key enemy personnel or ravaging whole areas thanks to deadly artillery fire.
This reference includes two Squads:
– the UMSC Observer Squad, with a USMC Faction Unit Card
– the USMC Sniper Squad, with a USMC Faction Unit Card and a Desert Scorpions Faction Unit Card. Since both Squads share identical miniatures, you can field them as USMC or Desert Scorpions.
Like all regular Dust 1947 miniatures, this reference comes already assembled and primed. It’s ready for the battlefield, or for painting, as you wish! You can directly paint over on it, since the priming serves as an undercoat and is compatible with any type of paint. Please remember that all orders over 250$ enjoy free shipping.