Weathering Vehicles

I'm going to add a slightly dustified ISU-152 to my SSU force. The original figure is an Altaya 1/43 RKKA ISU-152 in East Prussian amoeba camo. I replaced the barrel with a spare I had from a Matrioshka. I think it'll look pretty good alongside my amoeba camo Red Army, but I'm going to need to weather it a bit first. 

I'm not a big chipper. First I'll repaint the exposed sections to match my other Red Army armor - I've picked Waaargh Green from Citadel here because the base green this figure was painted was a tad dark. Still, prepainted die casts take paint excellently. 

Secondly, I've applied a Mig Afrika Korps wash. This makes a great mud and grime stain. I'll then pick out the the camo again with some citadel white before dry brushing Mig Afrika Korps Dust lightly over the top. This both picks out the detail and mutes the colour slightly, giving it a weathered look.

Lastly, I have some Justine & Co Mercenary figures knocking around that will make excellent tank riders when I've painted their overalls to match my existing Red Army troops and we are ready to go. For the Motherland!

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